Artificial sweeteners: Are they really bad for you?
“People fear most what they do not understand” -Bruce Lee. This statement is the perfect description when it comes to the world of artificial sweeteners. You’ve probably seen or had at least one product containing it in place of sugar. You’ve probably also seen online articles discussing the negative impacts artificial sweeteners have on your health. And if you read my article on “5 tips to lose weight effectively”, you would’ve seen me recommend them, even though I’m pretty much the biggest health junkie you could think of this instant. In this article, I’m going to explain to you what artificial sweeteners are, and my opinion on them.
So, what are they? Artificial sweeteners were created to reduce the reliance on actual sugar when sweetening food and beverage items (To tackle health issues such as obesity and diabetes). The very first artificial sweetener came into existence as early as 1897, when Saccharin was first discovered. I’ll spare you the extensive history lesson, but the artificial sweeteners most used today include sucralose, aspartame and stevia. Its invention was nothing short of a miracle. So, what’s the commotion about? Apparently, one study discovered an association of saccharine consumption with bladder cancer, and researchers found other side effects of artificial sweetener consumption, such as headaches and depression. Then, the internet did what it does best, and made a mountain out of a molehill. Before you know it, artificial sweeteners are the bane of our existence. Right about now, I can already see some of you throwing away the food in your fridge containing artificial sweeteners. But before you cause any more damage (And come on, don’t waste food guys. That’s not very nice), here are the reasons why I personally feel that artificial sweeteners are not as bad as they seem and can in fact be a healthier dietary choice than regular sugar, when used in moderate amounts.
In my opinion, the “dangerous” side effects of artificial sweeteners are over exaggerated by the media. Of course, nothing on this planet is 100% safe when consumed in excessive amounts. But think about it. If they were that much of carcinogens, they would’ve been banned by your local food and drug administration agencies! Yes, undoubtedly there are risks with consuming such chemicals. Just like there is a risk of getting diabetes from consuming too much sugar. Speaking of which, this is exactly why I am such a huge advocate of artificial sweeteners. As mentioned, they were supposed to reduce or eliminate the dependence on sugar. To me, artificial sweeteners are nothing short of a food science miracle, especially for people who need to be wary of hyperglycemia (High sugar presence in blood). From a weight loss perspective, imagine the number of calories you’ll be saving simply by replacing sugar with, say, stevia? You’ll reach your weight loss goals in no time.
So, can I just go on an “all-you-can-eat buffet” on food and drinks with artificial sweeteners? I mean, they’re zero calories, aren’t they? Well, no. You see, while they are technically zero calories, some artificial sweeteners are partially metabolized by the body, which inevitably adds up in calories. The key word is always “moderation”. They are a great alternative, but they should NEVER replace a well-balanced diet! Also, there is a psychological aspect to the consumption of these. Some people (and this is true) assume that, just because they had a diet soda, that they have extra room for food. Then they wonder why they aren’t losing weight. People. Always remember the golden rule to weight loss! Calories in VS calories out! A diet soda is not a warrant for you to gorge yourself with more food! It’s awesome that you’re choosing the healthier choice, but your efforts are negated if your overall caloric consumption exceeds your caloric expenditure! So remember that before you have that burger and fries with your diet soda!
In conclusion, are artificial sweeteners bad for you? Should you avoid them? Absolutely not! In fact, they could be your greatest dietary asset! Unless you are guzzling liters of it at a go, don’t be afraid to switch up your classic Coca-Cola for the zero sugar version! Who knows, this could be the factor that’s holding you back from your weight loss goals!